Join researchers from around the world for a comprehensive 21-session course on how to strategically integrate AI tools into your work, from research ideation and data analysis to literature review and grant writing.
When? Every Tuesday at 13:00 ET / 19:00 CET, beginning on November 19. Where? Zoom. Sessions will be 45 minutes long and the recordings will be sent out each week.
Regular rate: $475
Researchers from Israel must add VAT - To pay from a research budget, please write to Gabrielle Fine:
- Please note that participants must have paid or secured a purchase order prior to joining the course.
Special Rates
- Boot Camp Partner: $425
You can become a Boot Camp Partner by sharing by sharing the AI Tools Boot Camp in a group with at least 10 other researchers or research faculty members. To become an ambassador, please take a screen shot of the message - including the recipient names - to Elana Lubka, Marketing Manager, at Good places to share the Boot Camp include academic WhatsApp groups, list-servs, by email to your department and on social media.
- Boot Camp Ambassador: Research group of 10+ researchers: $350 per individual
- Researchers from Least Developed Countries: $100 per individual
- To organize a special rate payment, write to Elana Lubka: