Newsletter: 3 Innovative Ways to Kickstart and Fund Your Research this Academic Year

Elevate your grant proposal to secure funding
Eager to take your research to the next level but intimidated by the grant proposal preparation and review process?
ALE’s grant preparation services ensure your proposal is at its strongest ahead of submission. Our expert grant reviewers help you improve your arguments, while raising the level of your writing to ensure that your proposal is clear and concise. With the help of an ALE expert, you can submit a strong proposal that will impress the reviewers and improve your chances of receiving funding.
We invite you to learn more about our grant preparation services and explore which option will best enable your research to flourish. I want help with my grant proposal.
William & Mary’s funding resources for the Humanities, from A to Z
Considering applying for grant funding for your humanities research? Looking for a comprehensive list of funding options for humanities research in one place? Check out William & Mary’s A-Z breakdown of funding programs in the Humanities. View the full list of grant funding options.
Ask the experts how to publish your paper
"Two of my reviewers provided me with contradictory reviews."
"My reviewer clearly didn’t understand my research."
"I disagree with my reviewer’s feedback."
"Why is my reviewer so mean?"
If you have ever had these thoughts after reading a review of your research, know that you are in good company and we are here to help.
Avi Staiman, CEO of ALE, and Gareth Dyke, Director of Global Content at Research Square are excited to launch: Publish My Paper!, a live show where we tackle a different publication challenge each month and answer your burning questions.
The inaugural episode, taking place live on Zoom on September 14 at 10:00 Israel time, will focus on the peer-review process. Ask your questions, tune in and learn from Gareth and Avi on how to best understand and maximize the peer review process. Learn more and register for free today!
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