Newsletter: ALE Travels to Frankfurt Book Fair to Lobby for Researchers
Strengthening existing partnerships and building new bridges at the Frankfurt Book Fair
The ALE staff set out to the Frankfurt Book Fair this month with the goal of advocating for a more clear and efficient publishing process for researchers seeking to publish their research with leading academic publishers. We held meaningful discussions with senior publishing executives from Brill, Princeton University Press, De Gruyter, ResearchGate, Elsevier, Taylor & Francis, and other publishers and societies, on how to improve and streamline the publishing process for authors.
Interested in learning more? Check out ALE CEO Avi Staiman's reflections from his time at the Frankfurt Book Fair.
NEW! ALE and The Society for Scholarly Publishing (The Scholarly Kitchen) collaborate on German translation
While at the Frankfurt Bookfair, we were delighted to announce a new collaboration with The Scholarly Kitchen to promote the accessibility of the latest academic publishing news and thought leadership in German. We will be providing German translations of impactful Scholarly Kitchen articles to promote engagement with scholarly publishing in Germany, Austria, Belgium, and Luxembourg.
We invite you to learn are the collaboration in our short video, as well as in our joint press release.