Newsletter: Book Proposals Done Right!

What is holding you back from publishing your manuscript?
Publishing your manuscript with a respected academic publisher can solidify your academic standing and ensure that you're continuing to develop as a researcher. However, because the process of submitting manuscripts can be fraught with challenges and rejection, it is critical to write a compelling book proposal in order to succeed.
Read our guidebook on how to put together a winning book proposal.
Learn from the best
Have you been considering writing a book proposal for your dream publisher but don’t know where to begin? We encourage you to check out a new book written by editor, publishing consultant and former Jeopardy! winner Laura Portwood-Stacer, entitled The Book Proposal Book: A Guide for Scholarly Authors, recently published by Princeton University Press.
Publisher Spotlight: Dr. Julia Brauch and Dr. Sophie Wagenhofer
Dr. Julia Brauch and Dr. Sophie Wagenhofer are the editors behind Jewish Studies at De Gruyter. Together they run a highly interdisciplinary and international program, spanning from Ancient Near East to contemporary history. Julia is responsible for publications on Jewish history and culture, while Sophie deals with all aspects of religion. Both believe in the combination of comprehensive research and innovative formats, and promote the development of new databases and the expansion of Open Access. Read more about publishing with DeGruyter.
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