Newsletter: What's New in the World of Academic Publication?

Tips: What are the seven secrets to publishing your research article in a top journal?
In this 20-minute mini-webinar, produced in collaboration with the Autoimmunity Network, we discuss the 7 foremost reasons that article submissions are rejected, - and how to avoid these common traps.
View Mini Webinar Here
Survey on language services in academic journals
As part of our efforts to help multilingual scholars, we have designed a survey aimed at journal editors asking about language issues in submissions. We will study, publish, and share the results for the benefit of multilingual — and all — scholars. Want to help us on our mission? Send our survey to your journal editor colleagues or friends.
Translations that really make a difference- ALE in the community!
A few months ago we put out a call to our clients asking them to recommend non-profit organizations helping people during the Coronavirus pandemic that could benefit from our translation and editing services.
Watch how we were able to help here.