Have Your Manuscript Edited by the Top Research Paper Editors in Your Field
8 ways a professional research paper editor can jumpstart your publications

There is no doubt that publishing your research paper is a concrete way of establishing yourself as an expert in your field. In pursuit of that goal, it is important to remember that a properly edited paper is the best way to demonstrate your professionalism and to ensure that the language does not distract from the work itself. Research papers that are clear and coherent, while demonstrating a high linguistic register, are much more likely to be represented in leading publications. Achieving this standard can be challenging, especially for authors with non-native English.
But what should you look for when it comes to research paper editing to guarantee the highest level of quality and to ensure a smooth transition to publication?
The lists below may serve as a guiding light and may help you determine which qualities to seek when choosing among research paper editing services. The first four tips focus on issues pertaining to your entire manuscript.
Macro-vision and content orientation
- Enhancement through limitation — “To define is to limit” may be a true axiom, but it’s not as negative as it sounds. Your research paper editor will help you define your research, thus enhancing your presentation. It is wise to start at the beginning by defining your initial question or premise and have your research paper editor make sure that is clear throughout and that you don’t get side-tracked.
- Rhythm and Style — Some aspects of your non-fiction work will be best expressed if written with a borrowed style of great fictional works. A powerful novel will ebb and flow, peak, twist, and turn. Your paper may present straightforward data and conclusions, but the overarching layout is just as important to the reader of your research and even if you have to follow a specific template your research should tell a story.
- Length, height, and depth — Editing a research paper also requires a strong understanding of detail, emphasis, and length. A good research editor will shepherd your paper to achieve proper proportions, especially by cutting down repetitions and making sure the article matches the length required by the journal.
- Expression of research mechanisms — This may be where research editing most strongly contrasts with non-research editing. A good editor with relevant background to your subject matter will be able to take a critical look at your rationale, methods, and conclusions.
Attention to detail and graphics
- Grammar — Research paper English editing is relevant for native English speakers, and even more so for non-native speakers. Your editor should be a grammar expert with a hawk-eye for detail, and be able to quickly ascertain that proper the journal rules are followed.
- Language — Editing research papers requires the ability to fine-tune the language. It is simply not enough to have a technically and grammatically correct paper. Language is a communication tool and it must be sharpened to be most effective.
- Data presentation — Your research data is objective, but the presentation of data is subjective. Your research editor should be your second pair of eyes correcting technical errors, providing better images of charts or tables, and thus, enhance the visual experience of your readers and audience.
- Consistency — The specific presentation of some items may be non-consequential, but the consistency of their presentation is crucial. Professional research paper editing services ensure that every paragraph reads well on its own while at the same time the document as a whole is consistent and precise.
Practical Steps for Finding Your Research Paper Editor
Here is a list of five concrete actions you can readily take to find the ideal editor for you:
- Request recommendations from colleagues
- Ask for a sample of previous work or of your text (up to 250 words is generally acceptable)
- Check if your university/college offers a list of recommended editors
- Post a message on a professional forum in your field
- Schedule a time to speak with us — we can help
How We Can Help
Academic Language Experts can help you overcome the challenges of academic publication and submit your paper with confidence. With handpicked editors who are experts in their respective fields, we are proud to offer the services of top curated language experts from around the world, many of whom are academic scholars themselves.
We have worked on journal article editing for thousands of articles, and provide author services in a vast array of academic fields. Many of the manuscripts we have worked on have been published in high impact factor publications around the world. Thanks to our unique 5-step process, hundreds of scholars have succeeded in publishing their research. You may request a number of free sample edits of a portion of your work, and then choose which editor you prefer to have work on your text.
We have edited thousands of articles, which have been successfully published in respected journals and books. All of our projects are completed by an expert in your field and then proofread by a second language expert. We work with you throughout the entire process to ensure you are satisfied with the end result.
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