Translation of Academic Articles
Academic Translation of articles for Journals, Book Reviews and more

ALE is the leading translation company for academics looking to publish their research with respected academic publishers and in high impact academic journals. We have translated and edited thousands of articles, which have been submitted and published in prestigious fora around the world. View some of the projects we have worked on.
We have expert translators in your specific field of study. All of our translators have years of experience working specifically with academic texts and have achieved at least a master’s degree or higher. We will match your text with an academic translator who has specific experience and expertise of translating in your field. Many of our translators hold academic positions themselves and all have extensive experience with writing in academic publications. Furthermore, every academic translation project that we work on is reviewed by one of our managing editors before we send it back to you for review.
Article Translation Services
In addition to making sure that your article is translated professionally, we can prepare it according to the style sheet of the specific journal you intend on publishing in. This leads to fewer comments from reviewers, less extrawork for you, a shorter turnaround time for revisions and, in turn, publication. It also ensures that you didn’t omit any critical bibliographical information and that your citations and bibliography match.
We have translated articles in many fields, including but not limited to:
Medical Research Translation
We have language experts in all medical fields including surgery, pediatrics, oncology, dermatology and more. All of our medical translators have extensive biology and medical backgrounds and some are even doctors themselves. We have experience working on clinical trials, academic medical research, pharmaceuticals, personal medical records and more.
Humanities Translations
We help scholars translate their lectures, articles, and books in all fields of the humanities, including history, philosophy, literature, education, and more. Books that we have worked on have been published by Oxford University Press, Cambridge University Press, and Harvard University Press, articles we have translated have been published in prestigious academic journals around the world. After the translation is completed, the draft is then passed on to one of our managing editors to review for quality and precision.
Social Sciences Translations
We can help you translate your research into English, or, the language of your choice. Our language experts specialize in a large variety of academic fields, including economics, law, sociology, international relations, political science, psychology, and more. We have extensive experience translating both qualitative and quantitative studies and will match you with the top language expert in your field.
Looking to translate your academic article? Why Us?
We bring years of experience of working specifically with academic texts which have successfully been published in high impact journals around the world. We provide the highest quality academic translation and editing services by making sure your text is translated by an expert in your field and then reviewed by one of our managing editors. Our thorough review process ensures that your text reads seamlessly and is ready for publication. We also have experience translating and formatting academic articles according to specific style guides (MLA, APA, Chicago Manual, Bluebook etc.)
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