Will your research paper go viral?
Preparing for an influx of Coronavirus related research papers and articles
A quick search on Google (as of 22 March, 2020) shows over 8 billion hits for “coronavirus” in just half a second, as opposed to only 2.5 billion hits for “AIDS.” Of course, this should not be too surprising as no other event in recorded history has caused the cessation of normal human activity to such a degree. Time and space seem dwarfed; the virus’ direct and indirect effects are impacting societies on a global scale, and with a rapidity that has us whirling. In just a couple of months, over 190 countries are fighting this plague, while hundreds of thousands have been infected, over a billion people are living in quarantine conditions, and thousands have sadly already succumbed. Researchers already know when and where the pandemic originated, but as of now, no one knows when it will end, nor what life will look like when the crisis is resolved.
One microbe... with macro repercussions
As the tremors of the COVID-19 pandemic are reverberating throughout every arena of humanity, we can anticipate a flood of academic research to follow in its wake which will require expert editing and translation. Medical research will be examining every aspect, from the specific mutations of the virus to broad new understandings in the field of epidemiology. The public sector is being pushed to its limits, and an analysis of various countries’ policies will be in order. How will policymakers determine their own efficacy, and how will they compare to the measures of other governments? Budding sociologists and veteran psychologists will be vying for research grants to better comprehend the patterns of human behavior during this dramatic period. The field of zoology will be seeking the likely culprit (perhaps a bat or maybe the pangolin), and the world of philosophy will rightly be demanding a series of answers for the ultimate question: Why? Economic journals will wish to publish papers: How did, and how will, global economic trends react to production grinding to a halt?
Emergent research and translation trends
Many aspects of this event are unprecedented. Looking into the near future, it is clear that another unprecedented occurrence is about to emerge. The entire academic world will be encountering a multitude of demands, grant requests, commissions and research which will be followed by a tidal wave of publications, in a wide array of fields, and in a vast number of languages. Following this trajectory, it is also quite clear that there will be an urgency to edit and translate these coronavirus-related research papers and articles into various languages, in a relatively short period of time.
Don’t get “lost in translation”
You may be considering at this time how your specific area of research will be impacted by the novel coronavirus and its related spiraling events of 2020. You also realize that many researchers from around the world will be striving to publish their results as quickly as possible. Assuring that your edited and translated article is ahead of the curve is imperative, and to accomplish this goal you will need assistance, be it scientific translation services, research paper editing, or the like.
How ALE can help you
As with all academic translation and editing projects, it is essential to be sure that you are working with a proper team of professional language experts. This means partnering with a translator not only proficient in both the source and target languages, but also with an expertise in the relevant topic matter or an editor with an advanced understanding of the topic. It is important to emphasize, however, that this knowledge base of language and expertise are insufficient on their own. The key to transitioning from good to great lies within the human factor. At ALE, our high level of quality and service and the passionate dedication of our staff, provide the vital remaining components in helping you succeed in publishing your research article.
At ALE, we understand your drive and how important it is to you to publish the results of your laborious efforts. Our winning combination of language and topical expertise, coupled with our quality and passion, will shepherd your work to completion, and make sure that your publication goes not only from good to great, but from great to extraordinary.