Watch the Recording: Write a Winning Review Paper Using Your Existing Research
Begin the New Year by advancing your academic career and become a respected figure in your research field by adding another article to your collection of published research! Avi and Gareth discuss, in this prerecorded discussion, how to master the review paper by maximizing upon your existing research, surveying the current literature scene, and understanding relevant knowledge gaps.
Joined by: Avi Staiman and Gareth Dyke
Avi Staiman
CEO, at Academic Language Experts
Gareth Dyke
, at
Begin the New Year by advancing your academic career and become a respected figure in your research field by adding another article to your collection of published research! Avi and Gareth discuss, in this prerecorded discussion, how to master the review paper by maximizing upon your existing research, surveying the current literature scene, and understanding relevant knowledge gaps.
How to maximize upon your existing research
How to survey current literature
How to understand, and find your niche, within knowledge gaps
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