June 25

5:00 PM IST / 3:00 PM UK / 10:00 AM EST

How Editorial Teams are Adapting to the Potentials & Pitfalls of AI Technology in the Research Ecosystem
The challenges and opportunities AI technology has created have forced the publishing community to rethink how we work - including the role editors - like you - now play in the publishing journey. Join other acquisitions editors in the Humanities and Social Sciences for this overview and gain a deep understanding of how researchers are adapting AI technology into the publishing workflow.

Avi Staiman

at Academic Language Experts

Join Avi Staiman, CEO of Academic Language Experts and co-founder of SciWriter AI, for an in-depth discussion on AI's ‘potentials and pitfalls’ in research. You will leave this overview with clarity on:
  • How publishers are utilizing AI tools
  • The ethics and integrity around AI use in academic publishing
  • The specific challenges and opportunities researchers are encountering in integrating AI technology into their workflow

Upcoming Live Events

Bring your values to the forefront! Thinking critically about the use of branding for foundations and museums

Tuesday, June 18
5:00 PM IST / 3:00 PM UK / 10:00 AM EST
Supercharge your institution with responsible AI! Tips and tools to effectively incorporate AI into your publishing journey

Tuesday, July 9
5:00 PM IST / 3:00 PM UK / 10:00 AM EST