Watch the Recording: Should Research be Trusted? Transparency, Accuracy and Accountability in the Publication Process
We want to trust peer-reviewed research as a reliable and trustworthy source of information for our work. However, weak oversight, negligence, and even outright fraud lead to the publication of misleading and erroneous research. Hear Ivan Oransky, Co-Founder of Retraction Watch, discuss these issues and discuss how we can combat them.
Joined by: Ivan Oransky, Retraction Watch
Ivan Oransky
Co-Founder, at Retraction Watch
Hear from Ivan Oransky, Co-Founder of Retraction Watch, about the work he is doing to combat negligence and fraud in academic publications.
How does the Retraction Watch team find problematic studies?
What is the current process for retracting problematic research and does it work?
How can individual researchers be part of the effort to make science more transparent?
* Retraction Watch is an independent non-profit institution and their participation in the 'Publication Success Interview Series' should not be understood as an endorsement of ALE or any of its services.*
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Publication Success Interview Series
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