Watch the Recording: The Business of Writing for Career Success
Successfully publishing your manuscript is a massive milestone, but where you publish and how well it sells can have a big impact on your career opportunities. Jane Friedman, author of the book "The Business of Being a Writer", will provide insight into the business of selling your academic book and offer you practical steps to successfully leverage your writing into career success.

Joined by: Jane Friedman

Jane Friedman

Lecturer and Author,
at The Business of Being a Writer

Successfully publishing your manuscript is a massive milestone, but where you publish and how well it sells can have a big impact on your career opportunities. Jane Friedman, author of the book "The Business of Being a Writer", provides insight into the business of selling your academic book and offers you practical steps to successfully leverage your writing into career success.
  • Outlining how to write a persuasive and clear query
  • Understanding how digital media outlets can enhance your career
  • Tips on how to navigate the marketing process

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