I am a scholar or part of a research team with experience receiving competitive research funding and have written a full proposal draft

Standard Grant Review

  • Academic review of content
  • Language edit of abstract, timeline, and proposal (up to 15 pages)
  • Review of subject area terminology
  • Identifying repetitive information
  • Initial 30-minute phone/Zoom consultation with reviewer and up to two rounds of revisions
  • 4-6 weeks before university submission deadline


I have minimal to no experience developing successful research funding proposals, and need individualized help prior to completing my proposal

Advanced Grant Review

Includes "Standard Review Services" +
  • Flow and coherence overview
  • Feedback on abstract or early draft
  • Methodology review
  • Up to 1000 words additional text
  • Up to 3 hours of individualized consultation via phone or Zoom
  • Organized manuscript sections
  • 8-10 weeks before university submission deadline


I am a part of a research institute/company with data and a concept but without a full draft, and would like support to develop our proposal

Grant Writing

Includes "Advanced grant review" +
  • Early feedback and guidance
  • Writing development
  • Up to 5 hours of individualized consultation via phone or Zoom
  • Up to 3,000 additional words
  • 2-4 months before university submission deadline

Starting from $1800

*The prices above apply to grant proposals of 15 pages or more; the cost for shorter proposals is lower.