Ensure Manuscript Publication Success from the Outset
Do you have an idea for a book but don’t know how to get started? Are you in the middle of writing an academic book? Are you unsure which publisher would be most appropriate for your manuscript? Let ALE guide you as you take your first important steps toward publication by helping you prepare what you need to reach your dream publisher.
Approaching the Publishers: Get a Contract Before You Write Your Book
Most scholars and writers begin thinking about where to publish only after completing the full manuscript. However, if you want to stand out and increase your likelihood of publication, you need to start your work by preparing a publisher’s package that will attract the attention of an acquisitions editor, eventually leading to an invaluable contract with a respected publisher. Manuscript publication success can lead to greater exposure to your research, new opportunities, and even career promotion.
Putting Together a Compelling Proposal
In order to prepare a successful publisher’s package you need to prepare the following:
A thorough academic biography
An introduction or abstract (at least 5 pages) which summarizes your work.
A prospectus explaining the appeal of your book in the market (Read about how to write a prospectus here (link to ALE blog).
One to two chapters prepared in impeccable English
A dynamic, attractive cover letter
Academic Language Experts can help you prepare a winning publisher’s package for your manuscript. In addition, we can prepare a publisher recommendation report with at least three recommended publishers based on the topic of your book and its fit with each specific publisher. We also are happy to make introductions to publishers with which we have relationships as a complimentary service.
Need help? Send an email to avi@aclang.com to receive a free quote for your manuscript.
***Please note that ALE is not a publisher nor can we guarantee publication with any specific publisher.